Refund Policy

Our "Save Money or Get 110% Back" Guarantee

We believe Ringly’s AI phone agents will save you money compared to human agents. If you don’t save money after fully using Ringly, we’ll refund 110% of what you paid.

Here’s how it works:
We’ll refund 110% of your subscription fee if you use as intended and don’t save money compared to your previous human agent costs.


Active Subscription: Use for at least 90 days.

Proof of Previous Costs: Provide documentation of your previous human agent costs, such as contracts or invoices from the last 3 months before Ringly.

Minimum Usage: Use at least 75% of your subscription’s credits or features. Minimal usage will disqualify you.

Complete Setup: Fully deploy at least one AI phone agent.Enable and populate the knowledge base.Use the system consistently, including Actions and support resources.Show evidence of following setup instructions and feedback.

No Major Business Changes: Your business must not have had significant changes (e.g., major product launches or customer volume spikes) during the 90 days that increased support needs.

Financial Comparison: Provide a breakdown of your Ringly costs and previous human agent costs (wages, overhead, etc.) for the past 90 days.

Timely Submission: Submit your claim within 30 days after the 90-day period ends. Late claims will not be accepted.Claim Process:Submit your claim with required documentation via the may request additional documentation if needed.We’ll assess your claim within 60 days and process a refund within 30 days if approved.

Other Details:

Currency: Refunds are processed in USD or the currency used for billing.

Good Faith: Claims found to be fraudulent or misleading will be denied.

Final Decision: has sole discretion over guarantee fulfillment. Incomplete or inaccurate submissions may result in rejection.


Freelancers or Outsourced Services? Provide invoices or contracts outlining costs.

Early Cancellation? The guarantee applies only if you use for the full 90-day period.

Incomplete Implementation? Full use of all features is required. Partial use may disqualify you.

Contact Us:
For questions or assistance, email us at