Pricing that scales with you

We have you covered, whether you’re a small, medium or big business.


Best for testing out our tool

$0 / Month

Get started now →

No creditcard required

Book a call
Free includes:
1 AI phone agent
10 call mins
Add transfer phone
Customize agents
Give the agent tasks


Best for smaller businesses

$69 / Month

Get started now →Book a call
Everything in Free, plus:
Unlimited AI phone agents
200 call mins per month
Get extra for $0.35/min
Record calls
Analytics dashboard
Upload knowledge:
1 million characters
(200k+ words)
Upload files
Add a website url and
auto-fetch all text


Best for mid-sized businesses

$450 / Month

Get started now →Book a call
2,000 call mins per month
Get extra for $0.23/min
Everything in Basic, plus:
Upload more knowledge:
3 million characters
(600k+ words)


Best for big businesses wanting to scale

$997 / Month

Get started now →Book a call
5,000 call mins per month
Get extra for $0.20/min
Upload more knowledge:
7 million characters
(1.4M+ words)
Everything in Pro, plus:


Best for smaller businesses

$62.10 / Month

Get started now →Book a call
Everything in Free, plus:
Unlimited AI phone agents
200 call mins per month
Get extra for $0.31/min
Record calls
Analytics dashboard
Upload knowledge:
1 million characters
(200k+ words)
Upload files
Add a website url and
auto-fetch all text


Best for testing out our tool

$0 / Month

Get started now →

No creditcard required

Book a call
Free includes:
1 AI phone agent
10 call mins
Add transfer phone
Customize agents
Give the agent tasks


Best for mid-sized businesses

$405 / Month

Get started now →Book a call
2,000 call mins per month
Get extra for $0.20/min
Everything in Basic, plus:
Upload more knowledge:
3 million characters
(600k+ words)


Best for big businesses wanting to scale

$897.30 / Month

Get started now →Book a call
5,000 call mins per month
Get extra for $0.18/min
Upload more knowledge:
7 million characters
(1.4M+ words)
Everything in Pro, plus:

"Save money or get 110% back"

If you fully use and don’t save money compared to your old human agent setup, we’ll refund you 110% of your subscription fee.
Learn more →


If you need more than what our plans offer, or if you need custom features or integrations, please contact us so we can set up a custom plan.
Book a call with us →